Thursday 7 April 2011

Choosing an idea

At the beggining of the planning process each member of our group created their own storyboard with their own idea of what would be a good opening of a film. Luke came up with the idea of having a western themed opening and creating something different and unusual. His storyboards were clear and well presented. Sophie came up with an idea for a dramtic romance. She wanted to have a nice romantic story but then have the same excitement to get our audience focused. Sarah came up with the idea of having a man who runs over a little girl and then the girl stalks him and drives him to suicide. This idea sounded really good but because it was the opening there didnt need to be that much storyline. In sophie's romance storyboard she showed some great camera angles and ideas to create tension. We combined Sophie's camera angles and some of Sarah's storyline and came up with a whole new idea for our film opening.

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